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Viking Game, Kubb, to be played at the Vasa National Archives in Bishop Hill

On August 13 and 14, the Vasa National Archives will have Kubb games set-up in the side yard for visitors to play with. Staff and volunteers will be available to explain the rules and play with visitors. Visitors can play for free from 10 – 4 on Saturday and 11-3 on Sunday.

Kubb has several different origin stories with the most popular stating that it originated in Sweden as a Viking game. Eric and Erin Anderson brought Kubb to the US in 2007 and now run the US National Kubb Championship. Official rules state the game is played on a 8 x 5 meter field with two teams having at least 3 players. The object is to knock over the opposing team’s wooden blocks, all field blocks and the king by tossing batons. The Vasa National Archives will be using “backyard” rules allowing flexibility on the size of the field and number of players per team.

This is a complement to the Bishop Hill Heritage Association’s Viking Age Encampment in the Village Park. The Viking Age Encampment will present an everyday scene from the Viking Age. You will see people doing textiles—embroidery, spinning and weaving—as well as people doing moneying, gaming, woodworking and much more. The public is welcome to come see what the Viking Age has to offer and to ask questions of the resident Vikings!

More information on Kubb and the US National Kubb Championship, visit The Vasa National Archives is located at 109 S. Bishop Hill St and can be reached at 309-927-3898 or at Questions about the Viking Age Encampment should go to Todd DeDecker at 309-927-3899 or

The Vasa Order of America is a Swedish fraternal organization dedicated to connecting people of Scandinavian heritage to their roots and helping those interested in Scandinavian history or heritage gain a fuller understanding of Scandinavian culture. Membership is open to anyone over the age of 14 at The Vasa National Archives houses, preserves, and makes available records from before the Vasa Order’s beginning in 1896 to the present. The Vasa National Archives has two exhibits open to the public Tuesday – Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 11-3.

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