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What to send to the VNA?

Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers,

Bishop Hill is quietly blanketed in snow and we’ve had a mild winter so far. Game nights here in the Archive have been going well. We’ve had a couple of families with kids come play with us. We’ve been busy catching up on various projects around the office and making plans for the tourist season.

If your winter plans included weeding your lodge or district collections, we want to remind you what you should send to the archive. Minutes contain a wealth of information about your lodge, events and members. Pictures of the different events show what your lodge and members did over the years. Activity or minute books from Ladies Auxillary, children’s club, bowling league, or other group associated with your lodge. Information on your members like news clippings, directories, newsletters, etc. Charters, regalia, and other items from the lodge are also valued treasures at the Vasa National Archive.

There are some published items that we have plenty of, such as certain editions of the Vasa Star. Some District and Grand Lodge books are well represented and we have a reserve here for those needing a copy. We also have some pieces of regalia that are available if your lodge or district misplaces a piece.

We advise making a list of your materials and sending us the list so we can advise on what we want. This is to save you money on shipping costs. If you have any questions, please call or email the Vasa National Archive and we’ll gladly answer as best we can. 309-937-3898 or

In Truth and Unity,



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