Looking back on 2023
Dear Vasa Sisters and Brothers, As the Vasa National Archive Board and I look back on this past year, I see a bunch of improvements to...

Summer Dreams for 2024
Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers, Bishop Hill is enjoying a nice break from sub-freezing temperatures and most of the snow has melted....

What to send to the VNA?
rchivist@gmail.com Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers, Bishop Hill is quietly blanketed in snow and we’ve had a mild winter so far. Game...

New Windows, Gutters and Ag Days
Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers, It’s been a busy few weeks here at the Vasa National Archives. Thanks to a generous donation from...
Death Resolutions and Memorial Cards
Greetings Vasa Sisters and Brothers, When I was visiting with a group from the Stockholm lodge, I was asked about the Memorial Cards and...

Adapting to the Future: Navigating Changes at the VNA
Dear Vasa Siblings, It’s been rather busy here the past few months. It doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down much in the next few...
Valthornet, Dec 2023
Valthornet Dec 2023 We’re closing out the year and I wanted to take a look at our visitor numbers. We had 764 come into the Vasa National...