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A word from the Archive's President, July 2016

Bill and Sheila Lundquist, District 8 2016 Convention

Dear Vasa Brothers and Sisters,

Breaking News – The Archives has a new web site, We have created this new site to give the archivist a convenient way to communicate with all of you. Please take time to access it and learn what is available to those who visit the Archives, Bishop Hill and Henry County. It gives you an electronic way to enjoy current events and displays should you be unable to physically visit. Our membership told us for many years that it wants virtual access to the Archives and this new web presence helps make that happen. If there is something you are interested in seeing on line via our new web presence please contact the archivist at her e-mail address, Also check our Facebook page for current happenings at vasa archivist bishop hill.

The summer events in Bishop Hill are in full swing. The Archives has joined with the other historical organizations in the village teaching visitors about the everyday life of the Swedish immigrant to the United States in the nineteenth century and introducing them to the Vasa Order of America. July events in the village include a Christmas in July sale at the Colony Store, the annual Country Antique Market at the Colony School, classes regarding the care and preservation of family treasures by our archivist, Kathy Cuff at the Vasa National Archives, a Summer Bonfire at the Twinflower Inn, an Antique Car Show, a Clay Whistle Workshop, the Bishop Hill Folk Festival in the Bishop Hill Park and a Halsingland Exhibition held in the Steeple Building.

The Heritage Fundraiser is still in full swing and I am very grateful for the many donations we are receiving. We greatly appreciate the generosity of our members which makes it possible to fund restoration, display and storage at the Archives. It is not too late to send your donation to the years fundraiser. Please send it today.

Many of us are considering downsizing in our homes and making our lives less complicated. We all have artifacts and memories stored in closets, attics and basements. Some of these items might be of great interest to us at the Archives. Please check through your things and call or e-mail our archivist with your questions about whether your memorabilia might be appropriate for the Vasa National Archives. You may be the last of your family to know the details of important documents related to your parents or grandparents immigration. In everyone’s busy lives all too often historically significant items get discarded, old pictures can no longer be identified and interesting stories are forgotten. Let us help you, your lodge and your district save some of those memories for others to enjoy.

I always end my letters by expressing my heartfelt appreciation for your personal support and your support of the Vasa Order of America and the Vasa National Archives.

In Truth and Unity,

Bill Lundquist, President Vasa National Archives

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